In the age of fake news, how can we deal with misinformation and learn to be ethically responsible for the knowledge we spread? Guest Contributor Jeroen Vlug invites us to reflect on our relationship with information in...
Is Allah angry at us? Can this circumstance in any way be a mercy? Dr. Osman Umarji discusses his latest research analysis and answers these questions with evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Read and download...
The believer looks for the wisdom of Allah’s (swt) decision in a situation. The believer looks for the positive aspects of what was decreed. Tune in as Hanif Fouse goes behind the scenes on his paper A Loan of...
Dr. Hassan Elwan discusses his newly released paper on the Muslim community’s emotional response to Coronavirus and presents ways to embrace uncertainty with positivity.
Dr. Osman Umarji describes the survey conducted to evaluate Muslim American’s reaction to the Coronavirus pandemic and offers ways to deal with this uncertainty.
“To try something by fire is to bring out the best in it.” Allah sends us tests to bring out the best in us. How do we find wisdom in trials and maintain the ‘beautiful patience’ of Prophet...
What causes people to experience doubt? There are numerous lifelong experiences that influence religiosity and the onset of doubt. Dr. Osman Umarji discusses his latest publication where he analyzes empirical data on...
How does a parent know whether their child will grow up religious or even identify as a Muslim as an adult? Dr. Osman Umarji discusses his upcoming article on religious identity development. Read the full publication...
Justin Parrott goes behind the scenes on his latest paper on Islam, iman, and ihsan and describes the metaphor of “climbing the spiritual mountain” towards ihsan.
Read the full publication.
Could physical suffering lead us to our calling? Guest Contributor Dr. Amira Ayad discusses her latest paper on cultivating a different outlook from the trial of a painful diagnosis.
Read the full publication here.
Is there anywhere in the Qur’an that tells us to follow the Sunnah? Do we need Hadith to understand Islam? Guest contributor Emad Hamdeh discusses his upcoming article on the purpose of Hadith within Islam. Read...