Yaqeen Institute serves as a platform bringing together a variety of Muslim scholars, academics, and intellectuals discussing topics of central importance to the contemporary Muslim community. Our team consists of scholars who represent diverse institutions of traditional Islamic learning as well as intellectuals from various fields relevant to the challenges we address. For more information please refer to our editorial board and peer review committee here.
At Yaqeen Institute, we strive to maintain the following three principles in our commitment to scholarly rigor:
- Our commitment to accuracy and truth (ḥaqq)
- Our commitment to continuous improvement (iḥsān)
- Our sense of responsibility to Allah, to our readership, and to our supporters (amāna)
Yaqeen Institute aims to defend and promote Islamic orthodoxy and provide insight into the views that fall within the scope of valid differences of opinion.[1] Maintaining scholarly rigor is an indispensable part of this work. In the pursuit of truth, one of the most critical elements is to revise and improve content. Consequently, articles on our website will be updated from time-to-time in order to feature new content, add references, correct errors, and offer further explanations when needed. In doing this, we can provide readers with the most up-to-date and rigorous scholarship on a particular topic, vetted by a panel of scholars and researchers. For a list of our recently updated papers refer to here.
Contributors to Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research welcome feedback and commit to continuously improving content with updated information, greater clarity, and further scholarly resources. To facilitate this process, please use our form that allows you to share your comments directly with the editorial team and authors of our papers. Once received, your comments and suggestions will be reviewed and the original paper will be assigned to a second set of scholars to determine if and to what degree changes are warranted.
Please use the following page to submit your feedback: https://yaqeeninstitute.org/contact-us/ .
[1] See here for more information about what determines orthodoxy, the valid scope of difference opinion, and when it is acceptable to reference an eccentric view in Islamic apologetics without mainstreaming it.