Let’s get conversing!
There are things in this world that are difficult to understand. Islam should not be one of them.
Sometimes, all it takes is a meaningful conversation to really understand yourself, the people you care about, and your faith. Experience it for yourself. Have a Yaqeen ConversationTM.
So, we built an organized guide to clarity. Each topic covers questions that not only spark conversations about Islam, but lead to the answers.
It’s not a course. It’s not a club. It’s you with the people you want to gather—finding meaning through conversation.
Conviction Circles provide people with a space for more in-depth and academic discussions of Yaqeen research papers led by a trained facilitator through regular, recurring meetings and dedicated content.
In contrast, Yaqeen ConversationsTM are discussion topics designed around one or more research papers and do not require a facilitator. Conversations are more informal; they are meant to give you some comprehension around important faith topics and can be accessed at any point in your journey to faith.
Conviction Circles are a great second step for a deeper understanding of the ideas in the papers. Once you complete the Conversations laid out here, we recommend joining an existing Conviction Circle in your locality, or starting your own Circle. Get more information here.
And if you’re craving more depth, you’ll always have access to all the papers, infographics, and videos.
Conversation #1
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- Why worship God?
- Does He need our worship?
- What is worship?
- What’s in it for me?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Explore the infographic.Watch the Behind the Scenes video.
Read our publication Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #2
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- Do we need a prophet?
- Who was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?
- How do we know he’s a prophet?
- Why is it important to know who he ﷺ really is?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Explore the infographic.Watch the Behind the Scenes video.
Read our publication Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #3
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- How can we improve our concentration in prayer?
- How can we begin managing our anger?
- What are the stages of thought?
- How can we transform our reactions?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Explore the infographic.Watch the Behind the Scenes video.
Read our publication Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #4
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- How do you deal with negative situations?
- What is filtering?
- What’s a self-fulfilling prophecy?
- How can we ask a question better than “Why do bad things always happen to me?”
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Watch Episode 1 of the Trauma Series.Read our publication Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #5
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- What can your personal traits offer you and your community?
- What is the wisdom behind our differences?
- What is your spiritual personality?
- How does the Qur’an acknowledge diversity?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Find out what your spiritual personality is.Watch the Behind the Scenes video
Watch the recorded webinar.
Read the publication. Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #6
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- Why does Allah want us to repent?
- Did Allah create us to sin?
- What is the purpose of repentance?
- How do we gain closeness to Allah?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Watch the Behind the Scenes videoRead the publication. Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #7
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- If God is so merciful, why is there so much suffering in the world?
- What would the world look like without evil?
- What is the purpose of Allah’s attributes?
- What’s the meaning of life?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Explore the infographic.Read our publication
Read a similar publication with a different perspective.
Watch the Behind the Scenes video for the second publication. Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #8
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- Did Islam “spread by the sword”?
- Where did this narrative come from?
- What did Islam offer to people?
- How did Islam spread?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Explore the infographic.Watch the Behind the Scenes video.
Read our publication
Watch the animation. Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #9
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- Is hadith preservation reliable?
- What do hadith have to do with the Qur’an?
- How have you learned your Islam?
- Do we need Hadith?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Watch the Behind the Scenes video.Read our publication
Explore more publications about textual integrity. Download Kit with all Resources
Conversation #10
This conversation addresses some foundational questions:
- What is the Shari’ah?
- What are hudud?
- What systems of punishment do we have today?
- Is the Shari’ah barbaric?
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Explore the infographic.Watch the Behind the Scenes video.
Read our publication
Watch the animation. Download Kit with all Resources
Get started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Download Kit with all ResourcesGet started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Download Kit with all ResourcesGet started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Download Kit with all ResourcesGet started by downloading our conversation deck. Follow the instructions to have your very own Yaqeen ConversationTM with family and friends. You can either print out your own cards on white card stock or use the mobile version to access the set of cards on your phone:
Card deck: PrintableCard deck: Mobile
Want more content on this topic? Here are some more resources:
Explore the infographicWatch the lecture
Read the Publication
Explore Our Talk Toolkit Download Kit with all Resources