Why should I give a lecture on this topic? In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Grantor of Mercy. قَد سَمِعَ ٱللَّهُ قَولَ ٱلَّتِی تُجَٰدِلُكَ فِي زَوْجِهَا وَتَشتَكِي إِلَى ٱللَّهِ وَٱللَّهُ يسمَعُ...
Talk Toolkits™
In Hardship and in Ease: How to Rely on God
Why should I give a lecture on this topic? The Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr hid together in a cave. Outside, death circled nearer and nearer in the blades and hateful hearts of the disbelievers of Quraysh. The Prophet...
Du’a: The Legacy of Our Prophets
Why should I give a lecture on this topic? When thinking of worship in Islam, the five pillars of faith often come to mind first. We do our best to pray, fast, donate to the needy, make Hajj, and consistently renew our...
The Greatest Investment
Why should I give a lecture on this topic? Let’s be honest with each other: being a practicing Muslim in the West is not easy. We often face immense pressure from multiple sources that pushes some of us to believe that...
Repentance as a Way of Life
Why should I give a lecture on this topic? A man took 99 lives. Because of him, the lives of 99 individuals with families and friends, fears and hopes, were destroyed. He sought help to see if God could ever forgive him...
What do you “smell” like?
Why should I give a lecture on this topic? What is your impact on others? What habits have your friends picked up from you? When you leave a room, what feeling do you leave behind? Or, to use a common Islamic metaphor...
The Gravity of One Murder
Why should I give a lecture on the murder of George Floyd? A man, 46 years old, lying on the floor. An officer, wearing the uniform of the state, pressing a knee into his throat. “I can’t breathe,” the man says. “Mama,”...
Cultural Knowledge
Why should I give a lecture on the benefits of cultural knowledge? Cultural knowledge brings a lot of benefit to the global Muslim community. But often, some groups that dominate Muslim spaces impose their own...
Overcoming Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
Why should I give a khutbah on burnout? We have all seen the tragedy of burnout in action—the once active members of the community slowly withdrawing not just from their volunteerism, but from all community activities...
Appeasement or Devotion to Faith?
Why should I give a khutbah on devotion to faith? The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding recently released an analysis of various faith groups, surveying their private and public religious practices. The...
Mary in Islam: Celebrating the Mother of Jesus
Why should I give a khutbah on the life of Mary? From among the countless billions of women who have walked this planet and breathed its oxygen, only one had a chapter named after her in Allah’s final revelation, the...
How the Prophet ﷺ Rose Above Enmity and Insult
Why should I give a khutbah on the Prophet’s ﷺ character? There is hardly any greater immunity against the distorted images of the Prophet ﷺ than a study of his life. Studying the Sīra liberates people from the...