Transformative gratitude is to live by Islam daily, to reflect on one’s blessings frequently, and to live Ramadan year-round with consistency.
Ramadan Strong
Ramadan is a spiritual journey that goes by so fast yet contains so many turns. Follow along with Yaqeen team members as they share tips and daily reflections on how to keep your #RamadanStrong.
Day 29: Beware of Ramadanitis | Ramadan Strong
Realizing the spiritual station of taqwa requires that we are in an active state until the last moment.
Day 28: Practicing Istiqama for the Long Haul | Ramadan Strong
The reminder is about embracing istiqama as a lifelong practice that enables us to be grounded and valuable to ourselves and others.
Day 27: Meeting the Best Version of Ourselves | Ramadan Strong
In Ramadan we achieved a new level of potential, how can we hold on to one thing to sustain us throughout the year?
Day 26: A Date with Destiny | Ramadan Strong
The Night of Laylatul Qadr is a moment where our destiny is revealed to the angels. Out of Allah’s Love, Grace and Mercy, he has given us the opportunity to meet our destiny with a clean slate through repentance and to...
Day 25: The Value of Seclusion – Ihtikaf | Ramadan Strong
Sometimes our Ramadans can get hectic, but let’s not forget the most important value of this month, taking the time to connect with our Lord.
Day 24: When the Night Draws its Curtain —The Importance of Tahajjud | Ramadan Strong
The most effective therapeutic exercise; standing in front of our creator in the darkness of the night.
Day 23: Maximizing the Last Ten Days | Ramadan Strong
Everyday challenges like raising children or having to work can be a barrier or facilitator to earning good deeds in Ramadan—you get to decide with intentionality and taking advantage of Laylatul Qadr.
Day 22: Charity in the Last 10 Nights | Ramadan Strong
As a part of ending strong, be intentional in the charity you give by selecting organizations that serve causes about which you are passionate.
Day 21: Ten Days Ahead, Another Chance? | Ramadan Strong
How Allah’s mercy affords us ample opportunity to try again, and how Al-Fatiha is that opening prayer to which the Qur’an, this month’s purpose, is His answer.
Day 20: The Extra Good Deed | Ramadan Strong
How do you set yourself apart from the rest during the last 10 nights of Ramadan?
Day 19: The Man Who Thought He Thanked God Enough | Ramadan Strong
One of the most humbling reminders of the immense blessings of Allah and the insufficiency of our appreciation is the story about a man who thought that he had thanked God enough, and therefore merited paradise on the...