In recent years, Aisha RA's age at the time of marriage to the Prophet has become a favorite talking point of Islamophobes, and cause of doubt for young Muslims. But was her age always so problematic?
Islam has become a hot topic today in the media and in public discourse, debated amongst politicians and pundits, activists and academics, and laypeople of all walks of life. As repeated incidents of violence occur in...
Stoning and hand chopping do feature in the Shariah, but their actual function can only be understood by stepping back and examining how the Shariah conceives of law overall. Only then can we make sense of its severest...
Is Islam pro-life, pro-choice, or both, depending on the circumstances? And what implications does the answer to this question have for current political discourse?
Obsessions are rooted in fear that their acts of worship are inadequate and that the acts must be repeated until perfect. Perpetuated by irrational fears and catastrophic thinking, these acts of worship become a source...
Trust is a basic element for human beings to live together amicably in a multicultural society. It is unsurprising then that propaganda that has driven societies towards genocide often focuses on depicting a minority...
Religious minorities are often depicted as oppressed and vulnerable victims of their Muslim rulers. This portrayal, however, is far from accurate. This brief paper seeks to reorient our understanding of the rights and...
The case for God’s existence in the Quran and Sunnah involves both sources of beliefs, heart-based appeals based on intuition and mind-based appeals based on rational reflection.
This paper documents the harmful effects of Islamophobic rhetoric on the religious identity and perceptions of Muslim youth in an urban American setting. Using qualitative interviews and expert analysis, it also...