Continuing with some of the many flawless accounts of future events made by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy describes accurate predictions from the chains of narrations about the Battle of Badr and the Battle...
Among his many miracles, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was given the divine insight to foretell future events accurately. Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy describes some of these prophecies from the Qur’an and how they undeniably prove his...
The prohibition of alcohol and other intoxicants within Islam is perhaps the easiest of prohibitions to understand. The dangers of alcohol are well-known, causing everything from poor decisions to traffic accidents to...
Islam aims to counteract all of the evils of the world. Within the message preached by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, two major prohibitions are placed on adultery and the charging of financial interest. The Qur’an contains...
Siyam, ritual fasting, is a fundamental pillar of Islam, exemplified to early believers by the final Prophet ﷺ as an act of devotion to the Creator. Through the abstention of food and drink, fasting feeds spirituality...
For a Muslim, prayer is the shade of the soul, an entire devotional framework around which more than a billion people center their lives. The Islamic prayer, salah, was taught to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by God, and it has...
The ministry of the final Prophet ﷺ was relatively brief, but the volume and depth of his teachings and example have been enough to sustain lifetimes of study. Spanning theology, spiritual enlightenment, personal...
How does a nation move from ignorance and alcoholism to moral fortitude in a single generation? Through Islam. The Companions and Successors of the Prophet ﷺ built a civilization based on justice, equality, and...
The struggle for human rights is an ongoing one in the modern world. In the words of Arnold Toynbee, this demonstrates a “crying need” for Islamic virtues in regard to the just and egalitarian treatment of...
The final prophet ﷺ accomplished the rare feat of providing the world with impeccable clarity on the Oneness of God. When the Pew Research Center tried to understand what made Islam the fastest-growing religion, the...
During his lifetime, the Companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stood by his side, risking their life and limbs to protect him. Today, ‘Muhammad’ is the most common name in an area where Muslims are a minority...
The Bible differentiated between true prophets and false prophets, saying: “You will know them by their fruits.” Another fruit of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was his positive impact on the world. Ibn Hazm said...