Guest Author Nuriddeen Knight gives insight into her perspective on the Age of Aisha (ra) discussion, including her background in psychology. Read the full publication here. Part of the “More than Just a Number:...
A discussion on the balance between criticizing hadith and looking at them objectively versus using them as a spiritual guide to help us live as spiritually fulfilling Muslims in this society – specifically in...
Asadullah Ali gives a behind the scenes look at his paper, “Understanding Aisha’s Age: An Interdisciplinary Approach”, one of four papers in the “More Than Just a Number: Perspectives on the Age of...
Abdulrahman Latif discusses the motivation behind his paper, ““Be Brothers”—Case Studies of Muslim Receptions of Refugees in History”, as well as its relevance in today’s world. Read the full article...
Dr. Nazir Khan and Dr. Yasir Qadhi discuss their recent publication, “Human Origins: Theological Conclusions and Empirical Limitations“, in which they argue for a critical evaluation rather than calling for...
Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy gives a behind the scenes look at his paper, “Why Do People Suffer? God’s Existence & the Problem of Evil”, in which he argues that the existence of evil offers neither a...
Guest Author Edward Moad discusses his upcoming publication, “What is Islamic Analytic Theology”, including the resources he used for his research.
Read the full article here.
Sh. Omar Suleiman gives an introduction to “Why Laylatul Qadr? The Significance & Virtues of the Most Important Night of the Year“, which he coauthored with Dr. Nazir Khan and Sh. Ibrahim Hindy, as well...
Guest Author Mufti Faraz Adam gives an introduction and behind the scenes look at his publication, “Zakat is not just Charity: Unlocking the Transformative Power of Islam’s Third Pillar”, co-authored...
Justin Parrott gives a behind the scenes look at his publication, “Finding Truth in the Age of Fake News: Information Literacy in Islam”.
Read the full publication here.
The question of forced conversions to Islam in history is a cornerstone of the centuries-old “spread-by-the-sword” narrative that has been (and continues to be) used to demonize Islam and Muslims. However, many leading...