Have you ever been around a dying loved one and noticed a presence in the room? As your loved ones breathe their last breaths, your supplications are witnessed by the angels. اللهم اغفر لأبي سلمه، وارفع درجته في...
Imagine having 70,000 of these blessed creatures follow you throughout the day seeking forgiveness for you. Why is the reward for visiting the sick so unique?
There are angels that visit you when you are sick and monitor how you react to other visitors. What rewards lay in store for those who are patient with their illness?
If you love someone for the sake of Allah, does that mean you only love them for the sake of Allah? Do you check on people only when you want something from them?
The path of knowledge is the path to paradise. The angels lower their wings out of humility to the seeker of knowledge in a special way. But what qualifies as seeking? And what benefits come through it?
What if the only du’a you made was salawat on our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ? Learn more about how the angels respond to the prayer for our most noble brother ﷺ.
There is a connection to praying for your brother behind his back and defending his honor behind his back. There are also etiquettes and benefits that are often missed in doing so. What’s the best way to pray for...
The greatest test of good character is how one deals with someone with bad character. The greatest blessing of resisting aggression, is gaining the support of the angels.