Episode 6: As You Step Out When you’re about to step out into the world, and you say this prayer, you will be protected… بسم الله، توكلت على الله، لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله Bismillah, tawakkaltu ’ala Allah, wa la hawla wa la quwwata... Dr. Omar Suleiman
Episode 5: Switching Shifts How does the way that you sleep affect the way that you wake up? And what happens when the angels gather at Fajr? Dr. Omar Suleiman
Episode 4: Sleep Well Every night as you go to bed, an angel and a devil start to prompt you. Who will you listen to? Dr. Omar Suleiman
Episode 3: Fasting While Others Eat Have you ever felt extra challenged while fasting around people who are eating? You’re also extra blessed! Dr. Omar Suleiman
Episode 2: Hold Your Pens We have two angels that record our deeds, but did you know that Allah sometimes tells the angel to not write down what you’ve done? Dr. Omar Suleiman
Episode 1: They’ve Got Your Back Do we have such a thing as guardian angels? What do they do, and how do we experience them? Dr. Omar Suleiman