How do you spend your nights? Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed describes a bad evening habit to break.
How do you spend your nights? Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed describes a bad evening habit to break.
Fellow | Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed is a Scholar, Jurist, teacher, Khateeb, and Da’ee. Born and raised in Lansing, MI, he expressed his zeal to study the sacred Islamic sciences from a very young age. At the age of nine, Mufti Abdul Rahman began his journey of knowledge at Jaamiah al-Uloom al-Islamiyyah Ajax, Canada. Within one year, he completed the memorization of the entire Qur’an. Subsequently, he pursued a rigorous 7-year Alim program in which he received Ijaazaat (authorizations) in various Islamic sciences such as Tafseer, Hadith, Usool al-Hadith, and Usool al-Tafseer, to name a few. Upon graduating with top honors in 2006 at a tender age of 17, Mufti Abdul Rahman traveled to Karachi, Pakistan to further pursue a 2-year specialization (takhassus) program in al-fiqh-al-islami and ifta at the renowned Islamic University at Binnori Town.
Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research
7750 N. MacArthur Blvd
Suite 120237, Irving, TX 75063
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