What’s the most important thing to do when you want to come back to Allah? How do you deal with the unknown? How do you stop yourself from being held hostage by grief? Why don’t you know your decree?
Join Sh. Yaser Birjas with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 16 of the Qur’an, discussing the story of Musa (as), how everything in life ties into the examples in the story of Khidr in Surah Kahf, the difference between qada and qadar, the power to change, the importance of knowledge plus the strength of iman, and submitting to God.
✨Test your knowledge of the Qur’an✨
What are two other names of Surat al-Isra?
A. Subhan & Bani Israel
B. Muqadasa & Tawakul
C. None of the above
0:00 – Highlights
📌 0:59 – Today’s trivia and intro
📌 2:56 – Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on verse 21 of Surah Maryam
4:10 – Qadar vs. qada’
📌 8:24 – Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on Surah Taha, verses 14-18
9:30 – Prayer
11:10 – Don’t let anything take you away from Allah
11:45 – Allah is able to do all things
📌 14:41 – Sh. Yaser Birjas reflects on the story of Musa (as)
16:39 – Why qadar is hidden
17:55 – Dealing with the unknown
18:38 – Answers in Surah Kahf
📌 21:06 – Reflections
22:18 – Strength to move on
25:00 – Wishing to know qadar
Download the latest Qur’an 30 for 30 eBook: Qur’an 30 for 30: Thematic Tafsir.
Explore the daily juz questions and answers in the Qur’an 30 for 30 Season 5 Trivia.