Islam and the LGBT Question: Reframing the Narrative was the title of an article released by the Yaqeen Institute in the month of October 2022. Politics, practical theology, and modern ideologies are the categories under which this research article was categorized. The post is based on a video of Dr. Carl Sharif El-July Tobgui’s 17, 2022 presentation on Blogging Theology with Paul Williams.
Numerous Islamic scholars from the current period and throughout Islamic history have studied LGBT issues in relation to the Sunnah (the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad) and the Quran, Islam’s holy book. The present academic and social approach to the subjects of gender and sexuality is dissected in this study piece. To “establish and advocate for the Islamic paradigm of gender and sexuality over and against modern and postmodern perversions, while also supporting those Muslims who acknowledge orthodox Islamic teachings, but who struggle with same-sex attracts and/or gender dysphoria, in their struggle to live lives of virtue in conformity with the will of Allah and the teachings of Islam,” is what it asks of Muslims.
Discussion of the Yaqeen Institute LGBT Webinar with Dr. Omar Suleiman and Others
There are numerous additional LGBT-related resources available from Yaqeen Institute. Islam and the LGBT issue were the topics of a Yaqeen webinar that featured Dr. Omar Suleiman, Sheikh Mustafa Umar, Sheikh Ubaydallah Evans, and Sister Sarah Sultan. They talked about a variety of topics, including how Muslims should deal with LGBT concerns while being devoted. The discussion focused on the ethical principles of Islam and how community leaders and members might and should provide our community with the necessary assistance in a rapidly evolving global environment.
Dr. Omar Suleiman discusses the calling of a Muslim in a linked piece titled “Faithful Activism: A Sunnah Framework” posted on the Yaqeen Institute. In his essay, he states: “We are called to uplift society by verbally proclaiming the message of God and by having our deeds speak louder than our words through khidma (service). Sincere concern for the people is at the core of both of these things. By saying, “I have cared for you in this life, so I surely care for you in the afterlife,” the Prophet referred to his credibility with the people as someone who constantly wished them well.
Nobody can neglect people in this life and pretend to just care about their well-being in the afterlife—Islamic perspectives on gender and sexuality and the Western narrative: A Deconstruction.
Islamic perspectives on gender and sexuality and the Western narrative
While there are other research papers about LGBT released by Yaqeen Institute, the publication from October stands out because it dissects the Western framework for handling the issue and, in comparison, the Muslim framework. It claims that Western liberalism “untangles three facets of the human experience—sex, reproduction, and marriage/morality—that were traditionally acknowledged as being bound together by nature and religious law. At the same time, it blurs the lines between three concepts: identity, action, and desire.
If our desires go against the divine rule, we shouldn’t act on them and we shouldn’t let them define who we are. Religious morality had previously provided societal structure, standards, and purpose. It also disciplined desires by deciding which of them should and should not be fulfilled. The sole sacrosanct deity in today’s liberal extremism, which has supplanted, obliterated, or defaced practically all traditions, is the nafs’ irrational yearning.