Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Ep. 26: Did You Hear? | Road to Return

Backbiting and gossip are types of sins that feel very easy to engage in, but they have the potential to deeply hurt other people. For this reason, they are warned against in dire terms in the Quran and Sunnah. Sh. Yahya Ibrahim explores some of the narrations around tale-carrying in this episode.


Yahya Ibrahim

Contributor | Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim started his knowledge journey with the memorization of Qur’ān in his teens and then pursued his studies in exegesis, jurisprudence, and hadith with scholars from the Hijaz and in Egypt as well. Imam Yahya is a registered Teacher and currently an Assistant Principal. He also serves the Muslim community at Curtin University and the University of Western Australia as the Islamic Chaplain and teaches Islamic Ethics & Theology & Exegesis for Al-Maghrib Institute.