Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Your Family in Jannah | Episode 14

Jannah would not be heaven without family and loved ones. While each person will have their own homes and gardens, the reunions of family will give plenty of time to be with family, and not just your close relatives. Your ancestors from the dawn of time are eager to meet you, your children’s children’s children are anxious to greet you, and everyone you have loved and lost are standing at Jannah’s gates with arms outstretched.

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DISCLAIMER: All depictions of Jannah are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

Dr. Omar Suleiman

Dr. Omar Suleiman

President | Imam Dr. Omar Suleiman is the Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, and an Adjunct Professor of Islamic Studies in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program at Southern Methodist University.