Is there a du’a to get rich? Are there du’as that can change my Decree? It’s not always about the change in circumstance; sometimes, we have more to gain with a change in perspective. This Dhul Hijjah, join Dr. Omar Suleiman to learn how du’a changes destiny and seek blessing in this world and the afterlife by learning a series of prophetic du’as.
Prelude: Is There a Du’a to Get Rich? | A Du’a Away
Is there a du’a to get rich? Are there du’as that can change my Decree? It’s not always about the change in circumstance; sometimes, we have more to gain with a change in perspective. This Dhul Hijjah, join Dr. Omar Suleiman to learn how du’a changes destiny and seek blessing in this world and the afterlife by learning a series of prophetic du’as.