In a world filled with wonders and challenges, dhikr, the remembrance of Allah, holds immense potential to transform our lives. We invite you on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, exploring the profound impact of 8 sacred phrases and forms of dhikr: subhanAllah, alhamdulillah, la ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar, astaghfirullah, and bismillah; as well as Qur’anic prayers and prayers (salawat) on the Prophet ﷺ.
Maximize your benefit from this companion guide by following along with Yaqeen’s video series, Deeper into Dhikr, hosted by Dr. Omar Suleiman. Through this immersive experience, you’ll witness how the regular repetition of dhikr unlocks divine blessings in every facet of your life. Recite, memorize, and nurture a habit of dhikr through repetition as you incorporate these sacred words into your everyday existence.
Download or print this PDF full of variations and often repeated adhkar to help you fill your day with dhikr. This printable includes each phrase of adhkar written in Arabic, it’s transliteration, and its translation, so everyone can benefit!
Tap the button to download.