Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Atheism and the Crisis of Faith

How do we know that God exists? Why do we need faith to be good people?

Imam Tom Facchine invites Dr. Nazir Khan to break down the arguments for atheism and address the most fundamental questions about the Divine, religion, and faith.

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Dr. Nazir Khan

Director of Research Strategy | Dr. Nazir Khan MD FRCPC is the President of Yaqeen Canada and the Director of Research Strategy at Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. He is a Neuroradiologist and Assistant Professor at McMaster University. He is also a specialist in the Qur’anic sciences with certification (ijāzah) in the ten readings of the Qur’an through both major and minor routes of transmission. He has also received other certifications (ijāzāt) in Qurʾānic studies (ʿUlūm al-Qurʾan), Hadith, and Islamic theology (ʿaqīdah). He memorized the whole Qur'an during his youth and has served as an Imam for many years. He has taught Islamic theology and Qur’anic studies classes, workshops, and seminars and is a consultant for the Manitoba Islamic Association Fiqh Committee. Dr. Khan completed his residency at the University of Manitoba and fellowship in Diagnostic Neuroradiology at the University of Calgary. His expertise in both medical sciences and Islamic theology uniquely positions him to address challenging contemporary questions regarding faith, reason, and science.

Tom Facchine

Tom Facchine

Tom Facchine (pronounced fa-KEEN-ee) converted to Islam in 2010 as he was finishing his BA in Political Science. For the next few years he studied Islam and Arabic with local teachers while working with Muslim youth, founding and directing youth groups in two different communities. In 2015 he was accepted into the University of Madinah and is now close to completing a bachelor’s degree in Islamic Law. In addition to youth group activities, for the past two years Tom has directed an after school program for young Muslims called the Ramadan Academy, which operates out of the GCLEA mosque in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Tom’s academic and personal background brings a unique dual ability to relate to mainstream Western cultural norms and engage them from a traditional Islamic perspective. His unique teaching style is highly interactive and brings high-level concepts to a level that even children can understand. He is passionate about building relationships with Muslim youth and giving them the tools and confidence to live as observant, well-adjusted people of faith in our times.