Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research


Featured Image - A World Without Muhammad pbuh | Khutbah

A World Without Muhammad ﷺ | Khutbah

In this khutbah, Dr. Omar Suleiman talks about what the world looked like, what it would look like, and what it will look like, without the Prophet ﷺ, and how we bring his light into our lives and world every day...

Featured image - Think Well of Allah | Khutbah

Think Well of Allah | Khutbah

In this khutbah, Dr. Omar Suleiman talks about what it means to have Husn Al Dhann (think well) of Allah. What are the practical applications and misunderstandings of the concept? When is it most important for us...

Featured Image - The Sin of Using People | Khutbah

The Sin of Using People | Khutbah

In this khutbah, Dr. Omar Suleiman talks about the sin of using people. When we stand to benefit from someone, then dispose of them when we have no need for them, we fall into a specific form of ingratitude that the...

Featured Image - Vocabulary of a Narcissist | Khutbah

Vocabulary of a Narcissist | Khutbah

What words does Allah attribute to narcissists in the Quran? What traits do those words uncover, and what do those narcissists have in common? In this khutbah, Dr. Omar Suleiman shares a powerful reflection from Ibn Al...


Will Anyone Remember Me? | Khutbah

Will anyone remember you?

In a time where relevance is often measured by public recognition, how do we find our own sense of value and define our unique legacies?

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Featured Image - Why Ashura is so important | Khutbah

Why Ashura is so important | Khutbah

In this khutbah, Dr. Omar Suleiman looks at the deeper lessons that tie together the stories and the qualities that should be acted upon from this day.

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