Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.[1] -Brene Brown Case study Kathleen had never loved anyone the way she loved...
Abstract Muslims trying to hold on to their faith in environments hostile to Islam—or to religion in general—often find themselves struggling to achieve a calming sense of certainty for the beliefs they hold...
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. -Albert Camus[1] Case Study Aliya was in her last year of college and lived at home with her parents. Silence in her home always...
Should you shield the valleys from the windstorms, you would never see the beauty of their canyons.[1] – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Case Study Khadeejah’s best friend, Amina, passed away in a sudden car accident...
We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. -Albert Einstein Case Study Muadh is a 52-year-old man who is very well respected in his local Muslim community. On the outside looking in...
Abstract The ability to distinguish between right and wrong is an essential skill in the life of a Muslim. But what makes something good or evil may often come down to a very subtle distinction—the devil really is...
Giving a Voice to Unbearable Pain When you hear the word “trauma,” images of a soldier in combat, holding on to dear life while people all around him are being violently killed, may come to your mind. Or maybe you...
Note Find your spiritual personality by taking our quiz here. Abstract Having a sense of belonging to a faith community has a strong impact on an individual’s conviction and commitment to belief. Among the first signs...
Abstract Motivation is at the root of our conscious thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It provides the basis for experiences of happiness and joy as well as anxiety and sorrow. It strongly affects our judgments and...
Introduction How can we have more control over our thoughts in this time of information overload and anxiety? Exercising mindfulness, or muraqabah, can help discipline our minds in order to handle the current situation...
Introduction Modern psychology involves the study of human cognition, affect, and behavior. These three phenomena represent fundamental components of the human experience. They are also deeply connected to the Islamic...
Introduction Waswâs al-qahri, which means ‘overwhelming whisperings’ in Arabic, is a complex mental health disorder found in Muslim populations. Waswâs al-qahri is a presentation of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)...