Introduction The Rohingya refugee crisis is one of the greatest humanitarian disasters of our generation. Over 700,000 Rohingya have been expelled from their homes in Rakhine state, Myanmar, since August 2017...
Abstract Governments have an incentive to exaggerate foreign danger or even manufacture it. Doing so strengthens the state’s identity and facilitates the government’s social control over its people. Toward these ends...
Introduction When we think of Islamophobia, most of us imagine physical harassment, verbal abuse, hate speech, or even to a lesser degree, dirty looks and insensitive passing comments. In reality, this is how we, or...
Introduction Islamophobia is a complex phenomenon that exists in various spheres of US society. The purpose of this short article is to help provide a basic historical analysis of Islamophobia to better understand...
Abstract Radicalization is the process by which individuals develop an intent to support or commit acts of political violence. The industry of counter-radicalization, or countering violent extremism as it is known in...
Introduction With rising anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States and Europe, there is an ongoing discussion about how to define it. Since Islam is not a race, some argue that it can’t be called “racism.” Others argue...
When President Obama addressed the National Prayer Breakfast in February 2015, he did so in the midst of a new global crisis: the rise and spread of ISIS. News stories of ISIS beheading Western journalists and burning...
Abstract Anti-Muslim racism is increasingly becoming a prominent feature of far-right extremist groups and political figures across Europe and North America. This article examines the growth of Islamophobic discourse...
Introduction This article is based on the publication, “What Causes Muslims to Doubt Islam? A Quantitative Analysis“. Key Findings American Muslim intolerance is not broadly and invariably applied, but is...
Introduction In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Grantor of Mercy The topic of martyrdom in general, and certainly in Islam, is very sensitive. One can never be too clear about things these days, so...
Introduction Trust is a basic element for human beings to live together amicably in a multicultural society. It is unsurprising then that propaganda that has driven societies towards genocide often focuses on depicting...
Introduction In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Grantor of Mercy How an end times prophecy was manipulated by anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim hatemongers[1] A Jordanian cleric visiting Canada recently misleadingly...