Envy and stinginess cannot coexist with faith in the heart. Guard your iman by disconnecting yourself from the love of this world and taking advantage of opportunities to be generous.
Everyone’s faith is occasionally challenged by doubt. Even the prophets had their moments. By immediately reminding ourselves that God is sufficient for us and is the best disposer of our affairs, these doubts can...
Allah sends you reminders night and day, and sometimes those reminders are major wake up calls. What happens if you don’t make use of that wake up call right away?
Faith fills the heart like water fills a vessel. Deen protects iman like a garment covers the body from harm. Through these reflections, visualize your vessel and the length of your garment to quantify your iman.
There is nothing more inconsistent than the heart, yet no vessel more important. Therefore the Prophet (s) taught us two supplications to keep it firm.
Even the greatest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) were vigilant about their faith. No matter how confident you are in your Iman, you’re no angel. Be protective of it.