Islam makes certain times and places especially sacred. The Night of Power is one of these times. Learn the significance of Laylatul Qadr and how to seek its reward.
Abstract The question of forced conversions to Islam in history is a cornerstone of the centuries-old “spread-by-the-sword” narrative that has been (and continues to be) used to demonize Islam and Muslims. However, many...
Abstract Does the construct of jihad equate to ‘perpetual war’ in Islam’s grand political scheme? And was the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ mostly about blood and gore and body counts? These are the core issues...
Some of the greatest and most convincing testimonies to the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ are the numerous occasions on which he correctly predicted future events. Explore some of these predictions—all derived from Qur’anic...
Abstract What is the fate of non-Muslims after death? This essay lays out three different answers that Muslims have proposed regarding non-Muslims who have had the message of Islam reliably presented to them (since...
Abstract Motivation is at the root of our conscious thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It provides the basis for experiences of happiness and joy as well as anxiety and sorrow. It strongly affects our judgments and...
Introduction What motivates religious doubt among American Muslims? Answers to this vital question often rest on isolated anecdotes and intuition. At a time when the US population as a whole is becoming less and less...
Introduction “Every son of Adam commits sin, and the best of those who commit sin are those who repent.”[1] While seemingly counterintuitive, this profound statement from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a cornerstone in...
Introduction In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Grantor of Mercy This question has been a recurrent criticism among antagonists of religion. It has even stirred doubts in many theists who have been worn down...
Please reference our latest content on this topic “Islam and the LGBT Question: Reframing the Narrative” and webinar “Addressing LGBTQ Issues in Islam“
Abstract Cultural competency and patient-centered care is best achieved when a physician has some understanding of a patient’s beliefs and practices. The paucity of English-language literature on Islam’s perspective on...
Introduction One recent Ramadan, I spent more time than I should have reading the news and keeping up with the general mayhem of the Middle East. At one point, thousands of Yezidis had fled to a mountain and were under...