To know you are loved by God is one of the greatest gifts of faith. In “Allah Loves…” Sh. Omar Suleiman explores who and what Allah loves so that we may become those who are beloved to Him.
Forbearance and deliberation flow from the same fountain. This episode tells a special story about the Prophet Muhammad and his companions to illustrate Allah’s love for these two qualities.
Similar to pride, humility can either be a positive or negative attribute. This episode compares the two types of humility and how to apply healthy humility in the world today.
“Allah is Gentle and He loves gentleness in all affairs.” This episode illustrates the example of Prophet Muhammad’s composure and gentleness with those who taunted him, even at the height of his power.
There is a protective honor that Allah loves that is distinguished from jealousy and doesn’t descend into suspicion. It’s not envy over this world, but motivated by the pursuit of the hereafter.
Pride was the downfall of Satan and has caused the collapse of entire nations. So how can pride be loved by Allah? This episode explains the unique type of self-confidence favored by Him.
Allah loves the person who, even in his/her most difficult situations, tries to be as self-sufficient as possible. In this episode, we explore the importance of adapting a mindset of independence.
“In all of them is good”. Both strong and weak believers are capable of receiving Allah’s love. However, strength is especially beloved by Him. This episode explains why.
Serving as a vehicle of Allah’s love to someone else’s life is one of the best ways to earning His love yourself. This episode provides different ways we can be beneficial to others.
When we speak about justice, we often think about rulers, authority, or governments. However, we’re given several opportunities each day to either be a vehicle for justice or to uphold it in our own immediate lives.
Most people who enter Jannah will not do so because of a good deed they committed, but because of the patience they showed during hardship. We review the different forms of patience beloved to Allah.
There are times in our lives when no matter how much we pray and repent, things just don’t seem to go right. This episode explores how we can maintain trust in Allah, even during the most difficult times in our life.
The eyes shed tears of brokenness and vulnerability and the body shows signs of wear and tear. This episode discusses how enduring physical discomfort in pursuit of good makes us beloved to Allah.