The Prophet Muhammad taught that we should seek to avoid all vulnerabilities as individuals and a community. We should show strength even when we’re suffering.
Those most likely to get away with various forms of injustice (e.g., shortchanging others, deceiving others) are the elite or privileged in society. Privilege is natural and comes in many forms (race, tribe, gender...
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Modesty/shyness and guilelessness are two branches of iman, while vulgarity and eloquence are two branches of hypocrisy.” [Narrated by at-Tirmidhi (2113) and deemed authentic by al-Albâni] Eloquence...
Abu Huraira (ra) said, The Messenger of Allah happened to pass by a heap of corn. He thrust his hand in it and his fingers felt wetness. He said to the owner of that heap of corn, “What is this?” He replied:...
It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said, “When the Prophet came to Al-Madinah, they were the worst people in weights and measures. Then Allah, Glorious is He, revealed: “Woe to the mutaffifeen (those who shortchange...
Most of the injustice that is committed in society is committed because it has become normalized. Even if it is normalized in society, your heart should not be comfortable with it, and you must not conform to it. Sh...
Most acts of injustice are perpetuated because someone failed to take the higher road. Sh. Omar Suleiman describes a narration that contains the tafseer of a verse in the Qur’an on responding to evil with good.
Sh. Omar Suleiman describes a hadith that emphasizes the importance of the tangible, physical rights every human being is entitled to: the rights to water, food, and shelter.
What are the rulings on silence and injustice in Islam? Sh. Omar Suleiman breaks down a hadith on the subject and describes scenarios where silence is better than speaking out.
Words are often the starting point of both good and evil. Sh. Omar Suleiman describes the ways we can speak a word of truth in the face of an oppressor and why it is the greatest form of jihad.
Often it is a small charitable deed that is most appreciated by Allah. One of the reasons small deeds are so appreciated is because the person doing such a deed doesn’t think much of the deed itself, but is thinking...