Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research
The Real History of Palestine in the Quran | Khutbah by Sh. Mohammad ElShinawy

The Real History of Palestine in the Qur’an | Khutbah

This week the despicable arrogant tyrant Netanyahu addressed congress and it’s hard to find a single truth in his speech. In this Khutbah, Sh Mohammad El Shinawy recounts the true history of Palestine as told to us in the Quran. No lies here!

Note: Joshua (ASWS) and Saul (ASWS) were not contempoararies in the Quran so it is unknown how much time there was between them.

Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy

Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy

Fellow | Mohammad Elshinawy is a Graduate of English Literature at Brooklyn College, NYC. He studied at College of Hadith at the Islamic University of Madinah and is a graduate and instructor of Islamic Studies at Mishkah University. He has translated major works for the International Islamic Publishing House, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America, and Mishkah University