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Article Originally Published on Muslim Affairs.
The Quran, the holy book of Islam, was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in the 7th century. Its authorship has been a subject of debate among scholars and historians. The Prophet’s background and education are significant factors in the Quran’s divine origin. He was born into an illiterate society in Mecca in 570 CE, and his lack of formal education in literature, poetry, and rhetoric makes it highly improbable that he could have produced such a work of profound literary and linguistic excellence.
The Quran’s literary and linguistic brilliance, along with its coherence, scientific accuracy, and prophetic nature, point to a divine source beyond the capabilities of a single individual, especially one without any formal literary training. The Quran is recited in the prayer, which involves certain movements such as standing, bowing, and prostrating. One of the most important parts of the prayer is the recitation of some part of the Qurʾān from memory, which allows Muslims to constantly be in touch with the word of God. The Qurʾān is the most recited book on earth, with a significant percentage of the 1.5 billion Muslims praying five times a day.
The Preservation of the Quran
The scientific accuracy of the Quran is another compelling argument for its divine origin. The Quran contains numerous references to scientific phenomena and natural processes that were not fully understood or discovered until centuries later. For example, the Quran accurately describes the formation of the universe from a single entity (the “Big Bang theory”) and the expansion of the universe (Quran 21:30). It also provides detailed descriptions of the embryonic development stages (Quran 23:12-14), which were not scientifically understood until the advent of modern embryology.
The preservation of the Quranic text adds credibility to its divine origin. Unlike many ancient texts and scriptures that have undergone numerous changes and revisions over time, the Quran has remained intact since its revelation over 14 centuries ago. The meticulous oral transmission of the Quran, coupled with early written compilations, ensured that the Quran had been preserved in its original form without any alterations or distortions. This level of preservation is unparalleled in human history and attests to the divine protection of the Quranic text.
The Quran stands as a testament to divine revelation, transcending the boundaries of time, culture, and human limitations. Its profound literary excellence, coherence, scientific accuracy, and universal message all point to a source beyond the capacity of any individual, including the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The Quran’s preservation over centuries further underscores its divine origin, as it remains unchanged. It is a living miracle, a beacon of divine wisdom that illuminates the path of righteousness for all who seek it.
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