Gender and SexualityIslam and PoliticsIdentityPolitics & Practical Theology Additional Resources: Gender and Islam July 24, 2019Yaqeen Institute For more on Gender and Islam, visit these additional resources: Is Feminism the Problem? Why Ideological Bandwagons Fail Islam Shari’ah in Today’s World: Renewing Islamic Discourse Debunked! 5 Myths About Muslim Women | Infographic Islam and Violence Against Women: A Critical Look at Domestic Violence and Honor Killings in the Muslim Community “We Used to Have No Regard for Women” | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice Framing How Rights Work in a Marriage | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice Women’s Inclusivity Talk Toolkit Behind the Veil webinar Islamophobia and the Law: Unpacking Structural Islamophobia “Be a Man!” Constructing Prophetic Masculinity