With the rise of Islamophobia on one side, and extremism on the other, Islam has been cast as irrational, incompatible with modern civilization, and inherently violent. This has put Muslims in a defensive position in which they constantly have to justify their convictions, while fighting off the natural doubts and insecurities that arise from such a climate. Yaqeen Institute has built a content marketing engine to address these relevant topics head-on. Using articles, infographics, podcasts, videos, web and mobile applications, and a robust social media presence, Yaqeen Institute has been able to proliferate content that dispels myths and misconceptions associated with Islam and Muslims while simultaneously equipping Muslims with the education to participate in the public discourse.
Moderated by Mouyyad Abdulhadi, Zeena Alkurdi (Marketing Director) and Nida Khan (Creative Director) discuss how their departments are combating Islamophobia through marketing and design.
This panel took place at SXSW 2019 in Austin, TX.